
get the beat newsletter:

Find out what’s happening at FOM Music Society this month by clicking on the link below! You can view and download our newsletter in PDF format.

Get the Beat is our bi-monthly newsletter featuring our current program calendar and all the latest FOM news, program updates, member’s stories, and photos.  See the reverse side of the newsletter for the program calendar showing all scheduled programs, important dates, community concerts, and special events.  

When you become a member, you can choose to have the newsletter emailed to you six times per year, so you always know when your music groups are meeting.  To pick up a paper copy, stop by our lobby at the Eric Martin Pavilion, or the Victoria Mental Health main lobby. They are found in the brochure racks.  For past issues of Get the Beat, scroll down our newsletter archive.

Click to view/download/print the latest issue of:

'get the beat' newsletter